I think that partly, the JW religion is one that tends to attract the complainer:
- the sort of person of the "glass is half empty, not half full" type disposition.
The JW message plays on that, encouraging the view that everything is completely and utterly wrong, that all this is a sign of the "Last Days" and that only God's Kingdom can and will put it right. Early in my time as a JW, I even recall two pioneer brothers being impressed by somebody who "was not happy", and thus regarding him as a potential "study." In fact, that person was just another old moaner - nothing more, nothing less.
Another poster on the old board here (jehovahs-witness.com) once summed it up perfectly that Jehovahs Witnesses are "experts in depressing people."
Furthermore, those of a negative disposition would be further impressed (initially, anyway) by the "love bombing" that all cults shower on newbies. Once more, I can recall at least one specific example of this:
i.e. Another person who was a serial moaner, drawn to the Witnesses largely because of all the fuss and attention that was showered on him as a "study". However, after his baptism, when the love bombing ceased, he soon gave the JW religion away.
Of course, once recruited into the cult , even a formerly well balanced person would find much to complain about!
So in answer to the question, "do JWs complain more than normal people?", the short answer is yes.